Cambridge Military Hospital, Aldershot, Hampshire
At the turn of 2012 a flurry of reports bombarded 28dayslater from the Cambridge Military Hospital in Aldershot and some of the photos being taken there made the place look like a fantastic explore. Unfortunately, almost every report suggested that the place was like Fort Knox! And that entry was exceptionally difficult.
We wanted to see this place before the entire exploring community had been there so, even though we knew it’d be busy, we headed out for a weekend explore!
The Cambridge Military Hospital, named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge opened on 18 July 1879. In the First World War, the Cambridge Hospital was the first base hospital to receive casualties directly from the Western Front.The Cambridge Hospital was also the first place where plastic surgery was performed in the British Empire.
After the Second World War, with the decline in importance of Britain’s military commitments, civilians were admitted to the hospital. It pioneered the supply of portable operating theatres and supplies for front-line duties. The hospital also contained the Army Chest Unit. It was closed on 2 February 1996 due to the high cost of running the old building as well as the discovery of asbestos in the walls – info from WikiPedia
Upon arriving in Aldershot we quickly realised that the town is very Military based. Almost as though it’s an Army Camp first and a town second! We parked up and took a walk to our point of entry which was embarrassingly easy considering the nature of the site! Within moments we were inside the mortuary. A small detached building on the perimeter of Cambridge Military Hospital.
Immediately we bumped in to another set of explorers, photographing the metallic autopsy bench, complete with bone saw blades. We stopped in here for a few moments and got our photos but it was small space and we wanted to get on inside the main hospital building without the burden of other explorers blowing our cover.
Here’s where it apparently gets difficult… or not! We were inside the main building via the most obvious route ever! How had other explorers missed it?!? So far so good.
We went upstairs and explored the top floors of the Cambridge Military Hospital first. Not a lot remains here but the atmosphere of the hospital is fantastic and I’m really pleased with the photos I captured from the long, creepy, dark corridors.
After exploring the Clock Tower, Ground Floor and Basement we decided to move on to the Maternity buildings, a separate area on the site when one of our group had a message from a fellow explorer saying they’d been discovered by security. Heading back upstairs we looked out across the site to see a group of explorers being given the blue-glove treatment by Police Officers. Time to leave!
It was a shame I didn’t get to see the Maternity block as the majority of awesome photos have come from there! Never mind, there’s plenty more opportunities!
Important, noteworthy & interesting comments are highlighted below
I was born in the Louise Margaret hospital back in 82. I also visited the Cambridge hospital many times in my youth (accident prone). Both my parents were in the military.
I was lucky enough to explore the place back when it was still abandoned thanks to my mother being a security guard there.
I miss Aldershot, well, to be truthful I miss Aldershot when it was still the home to the British Army. How things have changed.
Can you still explore it?
Hi, did you get any photos of Ward 1 which was the childrens ward on the bottom floor at the far end of the main corridor. I painted Snow White and the Seven dwarfs on the wall in the early 80’s when I was 13 as my dad was Porter there and I wondered if they were still visible on the wall? Many thanks
Hi Gary, I don’t have any photos of this ward but I do remember it. The paintings were all still there. I’m sure someone has taken photos of them previously, if you take a look at and search for the hospital you’ll find many more reports there.
Hey do you know if this place is still there please?
Many thanks Tombs Paranormal
No it’s been refurbished into the most stunning apartments. Look up Hun Hill, Aldershot
Spent two fantastic years working there in the operating theatres in the 80’s, a great posting. Lived in the Gun Hill Spiders. Many nights staggering out of the Exchange Pub at the bottom of Gun Hill. Went back 6 years ago and found the place derelict and looking very sad, but also went back this weekend and found her restored to former glory. Wonderful sight to see her shining again.
No it’s been refurbished into the most stunning apartments. Look up Hun Hill, Aldershot
I was a QA nurse there in the 80’s too – now live in Australia – so sad to see these photos of it in a derelict state.
I saw the ghost of the Grey Lady whilst in my training… which is what brought me here as I was researching the history. Fascinating stuff.
My great grandfather died there in 1914 (KOSB). Amazing pics, thank you.
I was born in the army hospital back in June 1967 as my birth father was stationed at Aldershot. Does anyone remember the name of the hospital I can’t remember if it was called Queen Ann hospital or Queen Margaret hospital
The maternity section, or “hospital for military wives and children”, was called the Louise Margaret Hospital.
Hi is the place still standing and able to gain entry?
Looking for places to explore in and around Hampshire but not having much luck finding somewhere open!
Did you ever find out if this place is still accessible, I’m interested in visiting soon but I’ve heard that the new home developments make access very difficult.
the buildings are all still here, they have, however, been converted/restored into private housing now
While researching family history, I lucked into this fascinating site.
My grandfather was in the Royal Sussex Regiment stationed in Aldershot when my mother was born in August 1912 in the military hospital. She was named after a visiting member of the Royal Family who apparently held her in her arms. She was christened Mary Victoria Griffiths and I believe that it was Princess Mary who was the visitor although I have no idea what her link was to the Royal Family.
My grandfather’s regiment was at the battle of Mons and he received the Mons Star. My mother spent her early life in Belfast and moved with her own family to Canada in 1956.
Thanks for the wonderful photos to add to my Ancestry files.
Hi, could anyone tell me is this building is still standing please?
Yes, it is being redeveloped into apartments and homes, along with the surrounding areas. It is well worth a visit nowadays. We live across the road and we love the views and history of it all.
Last time I was there we ended up getting chased by security dogs so make sure to go in a large group so you don’t get split up and end up getting lost while being chased.
A large group is the single most effective way of being seen and blowing your cover. Always explore with one or two maximum in my opinion.
I spent six years study from 1956 until 1959 then to Malta until 1962, then back to Cambridge. In 1962 there was the trials for the central sterile supply, the plastic syringes and throw away needles, and the resuscitation trolley was started. I was lucky to be on that team.
When you were at the Cambridge do you know where the mortuary was. A friend of mine is looking to purchase one of the outbuildings that is in the process of being made into a 3 bed bungalow. He is worried it used to be the mortuary.
If memory serves me right, the mortuary was here: What3Words:///news.wells.part – looks like it may have been demolished. Why would your friend be worried out of interest?
Thank you very much, I think he just doesn’t want to live in a mortuary
Haha! When you put it like that, fair enough.
I was there when the Queen and Duke visited in the 60s and we had to parade all along the rear roadway, facing the direction of their Land Rover.
As she passed, the order “left turn” was given to all 12 of us along the way so we would all be facing. Someone six up from me turned right and we all followed suit, gazing out over Aldershot Town as she drove on behind us.
Attempt to shuffle round the right way met with “stand still you bastards” from the RSM.
NOT my most proud moment.
Hi Margaret
Many thanks for your reply.
Wonder if anyone on this site knows if any records were kept for the 1940’s?
I worked in the kitchen from Jan 1958 to June 1958. A number of times alone on nights with the hundreds of cockroaches for company.
The night duty drivers would come and help me peel the spuds in return for cooking themselves some supper, usually fry ups.
The worst job on days was to be detailed to go down to a special ward where there’d be laying a dying soldier and ask him what he would like for his last lunch. The next day the hearse would be drawn up the door to take him away, very sad.
Hi everyone,
When I saw the hospital on this website I immediately jumped at the chance to go and take pictures for my A-level, however, on arrival myself and a friend found that you can’t access the buildings anymore as they are being rebuilt into houses. We tried finding a gap in whatever fencing was left and we couldn’t find a single way through. We asked if we would be allowed in with all of the proper gear but they said that there was nothing to photograph as they’ve gutted all of the buildings out and are now filled with scaffolding. They were beautiful buildings underneath the pipes and building work and it’s a sad loss.
You have to climb over the outer two fences and then here is a door panel you can pull back and gain access to the building
They’ve gutted most of the building out and replaced the insides with scaffolding.
Is there still a way to get in?
I was planning a trip there, seems like it will be a waste of time now. I remember going there in ’94 while based in Aldershot, such a shame it’s been left to go to waste it was a lovely building.
I was born at this hospital in 1989. It’s sad that such a great building was shut down and abandoned. I’m also creeped out that I was actually born there, not that it looked like this at the time.
So many happy stories (and of course sad) were made here with the birth of many babies, including my husband and most of my school friends.
Is it still abandoned or have they done anything with the building as I have seen they are regenerating this part of Aldershot?
I was interested to read all the posts. I trained as an S.R.N. in the QA´s from 1956 to 1960. I served at the Cambridge Hospital until 1960 when I left to marry.
My marriage was to the Cambridge Hospital Chief Clerk a serving RAMC Warrant Officer and the wedding was in the Catholic Church nearby and the reception in the W.O. and Sergeant´s Mess on the top of Gun Hill. All a long time ago and now I am almost finished writing a book of my memories of life in the QA´s.
I started nurse training in a civilian hospital and when I left to join the QA´s I was told I would never get trained as an SRN but I proved them wrong and loved every minute of the 4 years that I served.
Hi Margaret,
We are trying to trace family – David Jack O’Connor who worked in Cambridge Hospital or a Mary Agnes Masterson?
Thank you.
Hi Maura, I’m so sorry I have never heard of either names so cannot help you with your search.
Oh wow! That’s amazing! I’d love to read about your stories.
Did you ever encounter The Grey Lady?
Hi Jenny, I was a QA nurse there in the 80’s and had one encounter with the Grey Lady whilst on night duty – walking along the top corridor, it was quite surreal and freaky at the time for a young 19yr old!
Only recently found out that there is a book about it. Sad to see the photos of the hospital in disrepair.
Hi Margaret
I was sent to the Cambridge Hospital in 1941 age 4 years from The Royal Free Hospital in London as a war child. Do you know if any of the records were kept from that time – as I have never found out what was the matter with me. I was there for about 3 months.
Hi Thelma,
Sorry I can’t help you about the records it was over ten years later that I was nursing there in 1959.
Is it still accessible?
Yes you have to cut the fence or find a hole in it
So you can still get inside the hospital
Yes you can
Can anyone tell me if I can get in here without being arrested, what’s the security like, is it still there?
This has now been bought by a housing company. They are turning the hospital into flats. This means it is not MOD land anymore. There is no onsite security. The only security is a van which goes around the outside now and then. It also patrols the local estate. They do not have keys to the building site so they can not get in. It is in the early stages of construction. They are currently making this site safe for the workers. Some of the upper floors are not safe to walk on but they have barriers in front of them warning you.
Can you still get in? Planning to go this weekend?
Heather did you get in?
Is this still accessible? Has any work commenced e.g gutting the building?
Hi George,
Have you been able to gain access to the site? I’m thinking about going here for a school photography project and was wondering how enforced security was, and how I’d be able to safely access the interior of the building without being arrested or something similar.
Thank you x
So sad to see. My father was Senior Consultant Surgeon for many years late 70’s/early 80’s. As a child I sometimes used to accompany him on his ward rounds.
I wonder if I knew your Dad. I was the Civilian ward sister of Ward 3 Female surgery/Gynae from 1979 to 1985. Name was Crame.
I loved my job. The Doctors and Nurses were lovely people. We had such a high standard of care back then. They made me join the TA! I was Captain Crame
great times. I was so sad to see it on tele with Michael Portillo last year.
Kindest regards,
He was definitely there for a while during those times. John Carter was his name. He was a Colonel then I think. General surgery so unlikely to have had much to do with Gynae.
Hi ET, I served as a junior doctor doing my surgical house job around 1985, was your father still there?
My dad (Bob Blewett) commanded the hospital a few years earlier, during the time that Princess Anne visited. Do you mind me asking your father’s name?
Thanks! Kevin Blewett
It is owned by a company, the police can’t do anything because it would be a civil matter. The security do not have keys to the site so they can not get in to the site. The security would only sit out the front of the gate in their van. They will not do anything. The security are on patrol on the outside but also patrol the estate next to the site.
Does anyone know what the security’s like and if it too late to go there?
Yes, of course and I recognise your father’s name! John Carter was my father. He was a general surgeon.
Hi ET,
Yes, I recognise your fathers name too! But I must have just missed him when I did my house job at the CMH because Col. Haywood was the general surgeon I was working for in the latter part of 1985. I’m sure my father (Bob Blewett) will have known your father well. Sigh – army days! They were special!
I was a patient with leg injuries in the fifties. I was well looked after.
Where’s the Operating Theatres?
The Operating Theatres are situated at the very end of the corridor before the casualty department and plaster theatre, roadside. Ex Q.A 1990.
Is there still a way to get in here?
Is this hospital open to the public?
many thanks
Charmaine Bourton
It’s being demolished now, as far as I know. It’s a big shame.
Is it being demolished?
I think they’re actually keeping the majority of the exterior of the building, but the interior is being converted into apartments
I was in this hospital several times as a young kid and then as a young soldier in the 1970’s. It was always an eerie place to me but was so exceptionally clean. Sad to see it this way.
Like many other local civilians in the Aldershot area I was fortunate enough to have my son in 1972 at the Louise Margaret Maternity / Cambridge Hospital which had originally been only for wives of army personnel. The treatment and care I and my son received was exceptional. The food was excellent, our breakfasts were cooked in a kitchen attached to the maternity unit and all other main meals came directly from the Cambridge kitchens, transported in mechanised trolleys a considerable distance away. They were always well cooked and presented and most importantly, HOT.
Everybody I knew received similar treatment and were very grateful for it. QUARANC nurses were excellent. I moved away from the area but was very sorry to hear that it closed and women then went to the new Frimley Hospital.
I had my daughter there on Christmas Day 1970. I had only joined my husband who was working at the Army Apprentices College in Eversley Cross the previous March from Belgium and I don’t have such good memories about the food. We were cared for in a strict military way. We were only allowed visitors 3 times a week. That winter was particularly severe so I only had three visits in ten days. After the birth of my daughter, all the staff were celebrating and the ward was thick with smoke (from people smoking!). Meanwhile my daughter was in an incubator.
Hey is this place still abandoned? Me and some mates need to find an abandoned site for a project. If this one isn’t, does anyone know of any good places that we can access? Just any that are abandoned.
PS. Please can they be near the areas of Surrey, thanks!
My son was born there in 1965, the service was appalling for the “other ranks”, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps only looked after the officer class.
I just read someone praising the maternity hospital as a civilian then I read your remarks. My husband was a L/Sgt drill and weapon instructor at the depot in 1973 and our second daughter was born there. I didn’t find it very good and didn’t like the fact that my husband’s rank number was used for my name. Our first daughter was born at Ashford (then Middx) and they were absolutely lovely.
Looking to go here today, leaving around 2pm. The last comment that I can see was left Sept 17, asking if it was still abandoned, but I haven’t seen anything since!
Hoping someone knows and gets back to me pronto :D
Hi just wondering if you did go and managed to gain access? Thanks
2 people got in about 5ish months ago through a window across some roofs, saw a security 4×4 turn up, dunno if they were after said people/fellow explorers or just general patrol…
[*** access details removed – don’t publish in public ***]
…couldn’t find the autopsy room because the place is major easy to get lost in plus there’s a lot of having to divert through rooms to get to the next halls and a fair couple a stairways as well. The place is deffo a destination for a video game, was enough Splinter Cell getting to the place lol not gonna lie though the amount of security it has does make it seem a little fishy.
Did you get in? I visited there last night and the whole building is surrounded by new building work and fences and CCTV but I did find a back entrance. Just wondering if you managed to access the building?
Hello there fellow explorers. Good and bad news. Good news, there’s still access into the building! Bad news, the lower corridor has sensors that triggers alarms, it will be a complete building site within a few weeks I would imagine. We explored as much as possible in the darkness as security was sniffing about for half, he then buggered off. But what an amazing monumental building with a spooky feeling at night! Going back to check it out in the daylight and can’t wait!
Hi is there still a way in? We went yesterday late at night and the place was completely lit up with people walking around and cars and that, just wondered how you managed to get in without being caught?
Hay Charlotte, don’t approach it from the front! I think it’s called Gun Hill, go through that estate to the perimeter fence.
[** specific entry details removed **]
There are sensors in the corridors either move quick or don’t give a fuck security won’t come in they just drive around for a while if that happens watch their movements. Be very careful in there, test floors before you walk on it! And make sure security has gone before you leave! Good luck let me know how it goes!
Did you get in?
Did you manage to get in?
Me and my friend want to go in a couple of weeks
Hi all,
Bit late with this post but I did a lot of work on the CMH and LMH in the 70’s as an engineer when the place was looked after by the Property Services Agency before that was privatised.
Most of my work was to do with the steam services there – the boilers were from a Navy ship and all of the distribution pipework etc was run in underground services ducts (which is what people may be thinking of when they say tunnels). The whole place was riddled with asbestos, and the service ducts housed a lot of feral cats which I guess were in the because it was warm. If you shone a torch along the ground floor at night you could see the dust coming up through the access points into the ducts, and working down there was horrendous – forget modern day H+S – this was the equivalent of working in a small mine and you’re surrounded by lethal steam pipes all leaking and dodgy electrical supplies.
As a Victorian engineering project it lasted way beyond it’s useful life and I guess it must have had some work done to it in the 80’s or it would never have operated at all. Same with LMH… and a lot of the older barracks around Aldershot.
This site is being refurbished and turned into homes so although the original outside of the building will remain the inside wont :(
Is the site still there or have the houses now been built?
I went looking for this and couldn’t find it where the hell is it I’m local to Aldershot!
Hi Nicco,
Its at the top of Gun Hill just off the Burger King roundabout
I own 3 ouija boards & I love old, derelict & abandoned buildings, is this still there & is there still a way to get in? Unfortunately they demolished the Graylingwell hospital but I want to continue exploring more places, any help would be greatly appreciated, also if anyone has any other suggestions of places near Chichester, West Sussex
Me too I love making YouTube videos about it I want to find this place!
Hi, do you know any more haunting places?
I live close to Chichester and was wondering where there are still good places to explore haunted or not, a lot seem closed down.
The Aldershot command bunker is reportedly flooded and the place is full of adders who like the wetlands there, but there are other supposed tunnels in Aldershot, a good book to reference these tunnels is “The History of Aldershot by Howard Cole” he tells of a few tunnels in Aldershot that may be still there.
Me and my mates wanna know how to get into the hospital and take some photos. We would be exceptionally grateful if you could tell us how.
Hi Holly, did you find the details of where this place is. Would love to know?
If you did please let me know
What a shame it has been sold. It would have been ideal after being cleaned up for Coronavirus patients.
My son was there in 1979. A week when he was 4. I remember a soldier made him a plane and that cheered him up. My husband was based at RAF Odiham and I went there for a few outpatients appointments. The last time I went in the 1990s I remember they’d had all new vertical blinds in the corridors and then it was announced it was closing, although outpatients dept. still remained open for a while. The last time I attended my husband came with me and we went in a different entrance and down a corridor where all rooms were empty but there were still pictures hanging on the wall of past doctors and military paintings. Anyone could have taken them. It was sad to see it close.
Possibly the reason why The Cambridge is internationally famous is that it was where plastic surgery took a major step forward through the work of the New Zealand surgeon Sir Harold Gillies. In 1915 he persuaded the army authorities to allow him to set up a unit in the hospital and was grudgingly given a single ward. Previously facial wounds of a non serious nature which were not life threatening were regarded as one of the risks of soldiering and men were sent back to the trenches carrying these scars. The setting up of Gillies unit coincided with the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and scores of soldiers carrying the tags Gillies devised arrived in Aldershot. Gillies recruited Catherine Scott, Scott of the Antarctic a sculptor and Henry Tonks a considerable artists to assist him in rebuilding faces.
I took the last course for plastic surgery to rookston house in Basingstoke at the Park Prewit hospital grounds from the Cambridge hospital. We did a four month course under Sir Harold Gilles, he was 86 years old at the time this was in 1959.
Hi Adam
Having been born in the Louise Margaret Hospital and spent my life in Aldershot, I have been a patient at the CMH on several occasions: Once when I fractured my skull aged 7, a nasty broken leg aged 13 (after falling off an 88m field cannon, of all things) and after a motorcycle accident. In all cases the staff were brilliant. I felt a real wave of disappointment when the decision was made to close the hospital. I’m glad the building is being kept intact, after all, it’s still a major Aldershot landmark. Looking at your pictures really brought back some memories. Thank you.
I worked at the Cambridge from 1964, three postings in all, and was one of the first nurses to do the three year SRN course as well as the army course C344. Three of my children were born in the Louise Margaret (lousy mag) I was demobbed from there in the 1970s.
I was diagnosed with Diabetes when I was 7 in The Cambridge in 1976, I had my 1st daughter in the Louise Margaret in March 1988 and my second daughter in Sept 1993. I have many memories of the hospital, some very good and exciting and some very sad. I remember my consultant Captain Lyons, who worked very, very hard, he made his way up to Major and then Colonel, an amazing doctor who saved my life, I remember the children’s ward, ward 1 at the very end of the hospital with the pictures of Whinnie The Pooh and the kids school teacher who came from Alton, I remember ward 1 having a referb and the kids ward moved upstairs for a while… so many childhood memories, I would love to just look around it again, very sad it closed.
I had my daughter there on March 3rd 1988, maybe we were there at the same time
I live in Aldershot and would love to visit there. Any information would be amazing!
I have visited this place today (9th May) and it closed due to refurbishment as it is a listed building, it is being made in to shops. After talking to the security guard we persuaded him to let us stand in front of the buildings but nowhere near them. So we got some photos of the outside. We were thinking about returning later when there was no one around but there is a lot of security around and after going around the perimeter of the fence decided it was a bad idea.
We should meet up and go there some time.
I was just wondering if this place is still accessible? If anyone has any information, would love to know!
Thank you :)
Hello I was wondering if this amazing and beautiful place is still standing as I’m focusing on this decaying building project in college. Can someone please help me and tell me if it’s still up?
Thanks H
Hey, love these photos. You’ve really captured the “mood” of the place. It looks really cool. I’m venting that way tomorrow to have a mooch around there. Hopefully I’ll get in and explore. Cheers for the insight and information about it.
Hi, I had my daughter at this hospital in March 1988, as I lived in Aldershot at the time, it was quite an old fashioned hospital as I remember and was military run. I was looked after very well and my daughter was born almost 12 weeks premature she was admitted to the special care baby unit and I have nothing but praise for those lovely doctors and nurses that took care of her. She is 28 in 3 weeks time and I was browsing on this site tonight and shocked to see this hospital on, I have looked at the fascinating photos and read the comments it’s really opened up old memories for me.
Hi, does anyone know of an entrance to this place as I want to visit it before it gets turned into flats.
Not sure if the x-ray dept. is still active there, it was a few years ago. People would drive up and park out the back of the security gate building and just walk up to the barrier saying they have an appointment at the x-ray dept. and be allowed access. It’s also the HQ of Sodexo the catering company so you could say your visiting there. It also has a very small B & B in one of the old Matron accommodation houses down on the left. There is also a large coach company based there. I walked around inside about 16 years ago, got a few little momentos, fascinating place. Then the large building on the right behind the water tower was the Officers Mess Annex, which had not changed for many years, lovely old interior etc.
I’m covering ruins for my photography exam and was wondering if this was still standing as it’s only about an hours drive from me but don’t want to waste a journey if there’s nothing there?
Unfortunately disappointment goes with the territory. You’re lucky that it’s only an hour away, I once travelled 5 hours to find a location completely inaccessible! I would search and see when the latest report was posted, that will give you a good idea on the site’s current condition.
Okay, thank you! Sorry, I’m doing ruins for my photography exam so thought this would be a good site to photograph! Thanks!
It’s a beautiful building, definitely… I’m not quite sure it’s a “ruin” though? When I think of ruins, I think of a few crumbled walls of a castle or something? Or have I got the wrong idea on your topic?
Well, the general topic is ruins but I’m focusing on the state of ‘ruin’ it’s been left in since it’s been abandoned, if you see what I mean? I’m attempting to find old photos of it for my project as comparisions, sadly so far, to no avail…
Yeah, I don’t think there’s many historic photos in the public. There might be some available at a local historic centre or library?
Yeah, I’m gonna try that when I get a chance to go down there. Just hoping we’ll be able to get down there at some point real soon!
Hi Beth,
I am a photography student that is also doing Ruins for my final project. I was wondering if you came down here in the end and what other things you have photographed for this project?
Hello Beth, I was wondering if this place was still standing? I’m doing decay as my final project for photography in college and was wondering if you could be of any help.
Hi there Harry and Aimee,
Unfortunately I did not make it down here as I discovered reports of high security levels! If you are both still looking for locations at all then feel free to drop me an email and I can let you know of a few I know of that are accessible. I’d rather discuss them over email instead of public as so to not have floods of people rushing there and making the owners tighten their security.
– B
The hospital is still standing, I’m off there some point soon, it seems hard to get in to there but it can be done
Hey I live just around the corner from it and I haven’t found a way in yet. If you do please let me know as I would love to see it before it gets turned into flats :(
I was injured whilst serving as a Pathfinder in the 2nd Bat Coldstream Guards back in 1989 and had both my legs operated on and had a long stay in this hospital. The memories of bed baths by the lovely nurses always gives me a fond memory ;)
Shame to see this beautiful place in such a ruin. If it was not for the professionalism of the staff in this hospital, I would not be walking today. RIP CMH you will always be remembered.
Hi, I would like to go there and take some photos, does anyone know if it’s still accessible?
I have always been told that my grandmother was the first baby to be born here (1906) and because of this she was named after the hospital although her name it seems was reversed to ‘Margaret Louise’ (Robertson). I am also Margaret Louise named after my grandmother (named after the hospital).
My grandmother’s father was in the army and posted to Aldershot but after reading some of the history of the hospital I now wonder if wives of soldiers were likely to be admitted to the Louise Margaret to give birth as many years ago as this? Would this have been unusual? and is it true or likely that she was the first baby born there? We both have the name but is the story true?
I’d be interested to hear from anyone who knows the history that far back.
Hi Margaret Louise McHardy
Interested to read your story about your families relationship with the hospital. I was born at the Louise Margaret Hospital in August 1954.
So sad looking at the hospital left completely run down now.
My father used to tell me, my mother was attended during my birth by the Queens Gynaecologist, but I cannot remember the name.
I now live in New Zealand! My mother and father came from Aldershot
Kind Regards
Catherine Shaw
I have a good quality camera and was looking to spend a day out somewhere with friends and I thought looking round a place like this would be a fun day but I have no idea how to find places like this or research if it’s safe. Any help would be greatly appreciated :).
Many Thanks
After doing some research myself I found put that they have started developing it and the surrounding area. They are building just over 300 houses and 2 primary schools in the area and changing the hospital itself. So I doubt you can get in at all.
I wanted to go there myself but it will be extremely hard to get in and even if you do it may have already changed and been cleared.
Sorry my reply is a bit late!
Can anyone else make out the ghost walking past the end of the door in the ‘FLAKEY ARCHES’ picture?!
I need to do more research but I am pretty sure this is the hospital my father was treated in at the end of the war and he always spoke about seeing the ghost of a nurse walking the ward.
The staff at this hospital saved my life as a 6 year old kid. My mate and I ran across the road without looking – he made it and I didn’t.
It was a great time for me. I was the only kid on the ward and the personnel (both patients and staff) really looked after me.
I was later transferred to the Royal Herbert in Woolwich (now converted to flats) for head surgery – equally good stay!
Both military hospitals.
That ghost would be the Grey Lady, it was said that the Grey Lady would come to those whose life was at the end so she would give them comfort for that time until they departed from this world.
The reason this site was closed down was because the walls were found to be full of Asbestos! That’s why so much equipment was just abandoned there! If you’ve visted this site I do hope you wore a mask of some sort.
Hi Adam – I was sent there in 1942 from The Royal Free Hospital when I was 4 years old – Do you know if any medical records from that time are available?
Hello I’m looking to go here soon, does anyone know if it’s still standing and worthy to explore? I live a 3hour train ride so I wanted to know if it was worth going? Thanks you can contact me :
I’m pretty sure development hasn’t started yet, Hannah. I’m sure someone closer can help you out though.
*I replaced your date of visit, you don’t want to be alerting security before you even arrive.
Google is amazing—maybe-element-5358041
I’ve just come across this site. I was born here in 1986. I didn’t even realise it was abandoned. I live miles away now and never even thought about googling it before. My parents would have some fond memories of this place I’m sure.
Is this still accessible? I’m good at climbing and getting in to places but like near London so if I were to go I would like to know for sure its still there and not completely blocked up :) I would like to explore it for a uni project I’m doing :)
Rachel, I live hundreds of miles away from this location and visited on the off-chance it would be accessible. I also went about two years ago so I’m afraid I couldn’t tell you the current situation. It has always been a tricky site to explore, keep that in mind.
Thanks I will, I might go there maybe on **** as I can save up just incase. Fingers crossed it’s still standing.
Probably best not to tell security when you’ll be there…
Okies :) Thanks
Urban explorer
So much army land has been sold off, but the command centre is still there.
This summer I aim to find an entrance, I know they are trying to cover up the tunnels and I really want to know why?
Lived here all my life, even remember the two boys killed in the heather hills tunnel, I went into the exact tunnel a few years before the boys died.
Keep you updated.
Hi Steve, I have seen plans and have located the entrance.
Hi, I am thinking about going here at some point this summer, where is the easiest route to get into the premises?
You’d better be quick. Development here is imminent and may have already started.
Does anyone know if you can get in to there still?
Hello Rachel. I myself have been considering visiting the place and climbing it as I’m a free climber. And I was wondering if you have been there yet?
Bloody annoys me we can’t go walking around seeing things that interest us. Cover up for whatever I don’t care. Just let me in to take some pics. Let me see the tunnels. I don’t care if they’re in use? Must be something going on to be so secretive about things that are “supposedly” not in use these days…. Fucks me off. Not like there’s much else to do here!!!
This is such a shame. I was born in the CMH in 1965 and I had my first son in their in 1992. I would love to see it restored :-)
I was born at Aldershot Military Hospital… I was the longest baby on record. I am now 6 foot 9. :) Sad about this though.
This did make me chuckle 6,9…..wowee :)
I’ve only just stumbled across this, and seeing the state it is in brought a lump to my throat.
I started my army medic training in this place and I have fond memories.
Thanks for sharing.
I am looking for anyone who knew my great Uncle Paul, who was in the RAMC, and worked at ALDERSHOT, David.
Dr.PAUL MORRIS,RAMC. MRCS Eng.LRCP London. Ho Phys.,Cambridge Hospital Aldershot. London.1977; (St Mary’s) late House Surg King Edward Hosp London.
There is a ventilation shaft that sticks out the ground positioned at the top of the old army cemetery in the wooded area this is for the tunnels they are all filled with water and the entrances are locked and sealed. Your best bet to visit an entrance is to walk over the other side of the road from Tesco car park and see the sealed hatch.
There is an entrance to the tunnels on the other side of the road to Tesco. My Grandad had permission and went in to the tunnels with the MOD when he was building Tesco. I have lot of information on them but I’ll be in big trouble to share on this site, sorry.
Hi Billy, would you like to exchange knowledge, I live in Aldershot.
Hello, I would appreciate if someone could send me the address of this place. Also, is there any other places in or around the Cambridge area similar?
Hi Robert. If you’re looking in Cambridge for this site then you need to look again at the location in the title! It’s easily found when you have the correct town.
I have done a fair amount of urban exploring and the next site we wish to visit is CMH in Aldershot and I have researched but am unable to find an address for the place or even find the location. Would you be able to shed any light on a location please as I’ve tried and tried and seem to only be able to find the current and very much open Aldershot Health Centre. A reply would be muchly appreciated
So you haven’t looked at the very first result on a Google search then?
Hi if you go to the health centre you are only 2 mins walk from the Cambridge Military Hospital
Hey, amazing pics – just wondered if anyone has been recently and knows if it’s still accessible?
The sight of those corridors brought back memories of my visits to CMH. As a small boy in the ’40s for some small injury, to my longer stay in ’59 as a National Serviceman in the Royal Engineers. I fondly remember the terrific QA nurses with their great sense of humor. People still don’t believe me when I mention that every evening we were issued a pint of beer as part of army hospital regulations. Sad to see the place looking so dilapidated, when it was so spic and span during it’s military use.
It’s memories & stories like this that I love to read. Thanks for sharing it and I’m glad I’ve been able to bring those memories back for you.
Is it still accessible?
It’s been explored recently, yeah.
I was posted to CMH 1990 to 1992, I cant believe what it looks like now. Found it quite upsetting looking at the pictures. It’s a shame that such a beautiful building has been left to crumble away. I have such happy memories of my time working at CMH.
Wow! I was curious about where I was born. This was the place. My father was serving in the British army when I was born (1966). I’ve always wondered what the place looked like.
Hi guys and gals,
Regarding the tunnels, I’ve put up a plan on my website (The South-East History Boards), and have loads of constructional details from files at the National Archives. It’s the WWII Aldershot Command Centre which is almost under the Military Cemetery. Had a couple of walks around the area trying to find evidence of the entrances, but no joy.
Hi John, thanks for the information. I’m sure there’s a few people in the area who are also looking for the entrances. Good luck & let me know if you find anything.
…here’s the link to John’s website:
Hi John,
I have arrived here by a roundabout route. From a posting on this website I note that you are the owner of the South-East History Boards website. I am trying to contact someone to say that I have been unable to log on to the site for some days. Each attempt comes up with “403 Forbidden Error”, after which I can get no further. Are you aware of this, and is there anything that can be done to get back onto your most interesting site.
If you are not the right chap – apologies!
Can’t seem to get to look at your plans, it’s there, I’m 100% convinced but there is a large cover up.
Hi John
I have seen plans of the underground tunnels at Aldershot military cemetery and have found the entrance. Interested?
I think we’d all be interested, Andy!
Hi I am a film student at Winchester University and was wondering if anyone knew if I could use this location to film a short horror film.
As an ex Sgt RAMC SNCO it was my pleasure to serve my last 2 yrs at CMH Aldershot. The racking was from the medical records office and it was my role to keep the records office running whilst these was installed.
Wow Adam amazing pics of the fantastic CMH I live in Aldershot and had my son in the Louie Margaret. I have also heard of the tunnels and supposedly an underground hospital up by the army cemetery. Me and a few friends are going trekking to where we think the doors are I will let you know if we find anything… Check out historical Aldershot military town on Facebook you would be most welcome to share this on there
Hi Sue, thanks for the comment!
Please do let me know! These tunnels sound very interesting, especially if there’s an underground hospital!
I’d be more than happy for you to share my website on the Facebook page. Thank you
It’s odd to think that somewhere that holds so many memories for people could be left to rot, yet in a way it looks even more beautiful in a derelict state. Amazing photo’s!
Couldn’t agree more! My hobby wouldn’t be anywhere near as interesting if these places were spotless and/or converted immediately after closure!
Hi Adam
So sad to see the photos of the CMH as it is now. I joined the QAs (Queen Alexander’s Royal Army Nursing Corps) in December 1973 and the Cambridge was my first posting. I spent many years working there as a student nurse then when I qualified. I met my husband there and had my first baby in the Louise Margaret Maternity Hospital next door.
My enduring memory is walking up and down the corridor, which was a quarter of a mile long several times a day, it certainly kept us fit. We were always told it was designed by Florence Nightingale, so the wards were large open areas with windows either side which were opened every morning to blow infection away! You’ve probably heard about the ‘Grey Lady’, a friendly ghost who appeared many times on the wards upstairs. She was supposed to be the ghost of a QA who committed suicide when her lover was killed in combat.
Anyway thanks for allowing a trip down memory lane, as its 40 yrs this year since we joined up we’re having a reunion in Aldershot at the end of November. I’d love to take the girls for a look around the CMH for old times sake but am trying to go down the official route, wish us luck!
Thanks again. I’m sure you know that planning permission has been approved to build houses on that site and convert the hospital to luxury flats. It’ll be good to see it in use again.
That’s such a great story, thank you for sharing it.
I really hope you can get the permission to visit, although I’d be very surprised if you do! The floor is dangerous in places on the top floor and there’s probably more reasons for them not to let you in than to let you! Good luck though!!
Are there any cheery pictures still online of the good old Louee Maggie?! People born there are thoroughly creeped out, understandably, throw in the suicidal friendly ghost. What is happening in 2015, anything? Thanks so much for all you contributed :)
I am looking for anyone who knew my great Uncle Paul, who was in the RAMC, and worked at ALDERSHOT, David.
Dr.PAUL MORRIS,RAMC. MRCS Eng.LRCP London. Ho Phys.,Cambridge Hospital Aldershot.
London.1977; (St Mary’s) late House Surg King Edward Hosp London.
Hi Jane,
I’m trying to get hold of people who worked at the Cambridge Military Hospital, and in particular, people who know a bit more about the ‘Grey Lady’.
Would you mind giving me a shout, please?
Thank you!
Hi Mike, I worked in both C.M and LMMH 87-90. I know of the Grey Lady and very often felt her presence especially on the night shift on Ward 13.
Kind regards.
Hey Tracy,
Thank you for the reply! Would you mind emailing with ‘F.A.O. Mike H’ in the subject? It would be great to capture your story!
Hi Mike,
I worked in the dispensary of CMH from 1967 to 1970. Also a patient there in 1974. Names of guys I worked with Ted H********, Pete W***, Dave H****, Mike G*********, and Tom W*****, plus Burt who did out-patient prescriptions a former RAMC but then a civvy, he always smoked a cigar even when dispensing (urgh). All the guys I mention were Sgts. I know Pete and Dave left the army in ’69 – ’70. Mike had served most of his service at Aldershot and was still there in ’74. Ted and Tom don’t know, and Burt died of cancer I believe early 70s.
It would be nice to chat with them again but lost touch. I left the army in 1975 from Tidworth Hospital.
Happy days, we are planning a visit in that area later this month maybe have a look at the old depot and the hosp, tried to look round a few years ago but security wouldn’t let us in. Access sounds easier now though so will see. I don’t remember anything about a Grey Lady maybe a mention that the place was haunted in bull sessions but I treated them flippantly.
I know it’s been a while since this post was made… so my reply may not be seen.
‘The Grey Lady’ is also known as ‘Aggie’ – a QA nurse who accidentally overdosed a patient, leading to their death. She is reputed to have thrown herself out of a window on the corridor leading to Ward 13, at some point round about the turn of the century (possibly earlier). My mother, who served as a QA here during the late ’60s/early ’70s, always claimed that ‘Aggie’ appeared to warn nursing staff if one of their patients was about to die – the story goes that she was distraught about the accidental overdose/death of her patient and, even in death, determined to save as many lives as she possibly could. My mother claims to have seen her a few times, and one of her oldest friends – a medic who was working on a different ward to my mother at the time – certainly did. ‘Aggie’s appearance to them (in the corridor outside of the room where they and others were having a tea break), alerted them to the fact that one patient was on the verge of choking to death. Had a grey shadow not kept flitting past the door, “creeping [them] out”, that person might well have died.
I was born in the Lousy Mag (as we know it) in ’76, and have spent my entire life in Aldershot. My father was in the RMP and my mother – pre-marriage – was, as I said, a QA. Being an accident prone child, I spent most of my childhood in and out of The Cambridge – and it’s “de-mobbing” was, possibly, the greatest loss to our town. Although we now have a Health Centre on the same road as it… it’s not the same. Seeing those photos, though… of the “mile long corridor” (which it’s not), brought back so many memories. Thank you.
And for anyone trying to access the site – please be careful. It’s not only a building site, now, but what remains is rickity and dangerous.
I live in Aldershot and was born in the Louise Margaret- Cambridge Hospital. Its so sad to see it in this state. The clock tower is supposedly haunted by the grey lady- a nurse from olden days.
Aldershot underground tunnels- I know of the entrance to one, have no idea where it goes but the direction it’s facing is toward the old army camp from 2nd world war (now a housing estate & junior school) bet that would be amazing. Having said that its a great steel door easily visible so doubt it would be accessible :(
Thanks for the comment Sophie. The tunnels sound interesting, it’d be good to chat about them if you’d like to e-mail me?
Hi Sophie just wondered if you could tell me where this steel door is please thanks
Hi Sophie
I know where the entrance is to the tunnels under the Aldershot military hospital; where is the tunnel entrance you know, I live in Aldershot, thank you
How do you access this area? Are you able just to walk in? Or is it gated and what not? Beautiful photography. I love taking photos of places like this.
Hi Alex…
How do you access this area?
With extreme care and stealth
Are you able just to walk in?
Nope. Although I suppose you could try, it’s worked before at other locations!
Or is it gated and what not?
It’s gated. And it’s gated pretty well too with regular patrols by security who are former Gurkhas.
It’s a fairly difficult place to explore to be honest!
Is this easy to find? Ill be heading there **** if it is to have a look about
Very easy to find. I’ve basically put the address in the title of this report!
Plus, I’ve censored your comment as it’s not a great idea to announce the exact time you’re heading there!?! I’m sure you’ll be greeted at the gate with open arms!
Hi guys and girls. I am thinking of taking a look at this place with some friends *****. Where would be the best place to park and walk up? We are aware there is security by the church side of this place so we need somewhere that will be easier and less obvious to security
My first piece of advice would be to not announce to security when you’re going to visit! (Hence my censoring). They’re not silly and do often check Urban Exploring websites & forums.
Is there a picture around of the entrance of the hospital? I have a picture taken of my father with a group of patients at an entrance of a hospital and I was wondering if it is Cambridge hospital. The picture is dated January 11 1919. The men are wearing what looks like a type of hospital uniform.
I can email you a copy of the picture if you would like and perhaps you may be able identify the entrance where the picture was taken if its the same hospital.
Hi Bill,
Absolutely. I’ll e-mail you now so you have my address.
Hello. I was wondering if you could help me.
I have been to the place a few times but can’t see the best way to get in.
Could you please help.
Hello Stacey from Hampshire County Council…
Nice try! ;)
Adam, you certainly ticked the nostalgia button for me. I had various postings to the CMH between 1959 & 1965 as a member of the RAMC and to see it how it is now is very sad. In its day it was a hub-bub of activity with wards full of patients, children, surgical, medical, skin, operating theatres full – there were physiotherapists and radiographers, RAMC nurses, QAs, doctors and consultants all doing great things for people – and all in uniform! The autopsy room, as part of my training, brought back a fainting experience on my part – I couldn’t hack a dead body being cut up!
Many thanks for sharing your pictures with us all. Much appreciated.
And I appreciate your comments! Thank you!
It’s a beautiful looking building and hopefully it’ll be mostly saved with the future development plans.
Yes, here’s to hoping the best. What is in the works, or is most likely? Do you have a link with not creepy pix of the old Louiee Maggie? Creepy to read most dark pics taken in, gulp, maternity ward, yikes! In any event, thank you.
I was a patient in CMH together with several fellow comrades, in 1955 after being injured in a fire in Austria, whilst serving with the Middlesex Regiment. From there I was transferred backwards and forwards to Rooksdown House, Basingstoke for plastic surgery. Although I was too badly injured to continue military service I was kitted out with a full new uniform whilst in CMH. Lots of memories of a brilliant hospital.
Thanks a lot for your memories Bruce, I apologise I’ve not replied sooner!
Excellent piece of work.
I worked in the CMH in the early 70’s and have many memories of the place. Hopefully English Heritage will get involved to stop this amazing building falling into dereliction.
More pics please – these were truly awsome.
[Get inside the clock tower]
I do hope it’s preserved as some exterior areas are fast falling in to dereliction and the upper floors are beginning to feel a little spongey to say the least! (Some rooms upstairs have actually fallen through already)
Hi Adam,
This is entertaining for me because Aldershot is a stone’s throw away from where I live.
From what you discovered about the area I am not surprised, Aldershot is half civilian residence and half garrison town (Wikipedia explains further) – good thing MPs didn’t bust your adventure! I’m pretty sure you can get prosecuted, immediately and without a defence, by the MoD for trespassing on military land.
Nice reporting and photo shoot, be careful out there.
Thanks for the concern Cam, but I think you’ve got your laws mixed up with that of a third-world country! Everyone is entitled to a defence even if your information on trespass was correct. You’re right that different trespass laws apply to MOD property, but I think you’ve exaggerated the outcomes a little there!
Technically, I believe the land to which the hospital is on was sold off by the Defence Estates and is therefore no longer MOD property. But I’ll need to research that further…
I appreciate your comments, thanks!
Hello Adam,
It is so strange to see this amazing building looking so different. My two sisters were born at this hospital and I had been to the A&E a couple of times when I was younger.
I remember my mum driving up to the hospital with me in the car, ankle sprained about 15 years ago, being met by two armed soldiers at the gates.
The thing that sticks in my mind the most were the doctors and nurses, all dressed in full military medical uniform. It was quite intimidating in a way, yet strangely comforting. It was like traveling back in time.
I still see the clock tower when I walk home and it is a sad reminder of a brilliant hospital and fantastic building being left to decay.
Thank you for the photos, even though they make me feel sad.
Keep on with the good work
Awesome! I love hearing little stories like this about the places I’ve visited.
Lovely report and such a brilliant location. I live in Aldershot but have yet to explore the hospital and find a good entry point. If you can give any light etc on the information it would be much appreciated!
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the comment. I would suggest living in Aldershot as you do, you’re in a much better position for scoping this place out than me!
Shortly after I visited, A LOT of people were caught here and I heard the entry point was fixed. Keep doing your research mate and keep walking the perimeter fence are the only pointers I can give you!
Good luck finding those Aldershot tunnels too! ;)
Hello Adam , is it possible you can Email me Directions on how to get here please? This place looks very interesting and i would love to get in there and get some good quality photos .
Hi Sam,
Without wanting to sound like a complete tool, please don’t be lazy and do your own research. A simple Google search for Aldershot Military Hospital will give you all the info you need for finding this place! And I’m sure you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment for doing it all yourself too!
Thanks, and happy exploring!